Hannah has recently returned from maternity leave and slipped her heels off and stepped back into her work boots. she has been sorting out her affairs, leading the team and helping the team grow. she is very supportive to her colleagues and the activity coordinator. she works so hard that her boot will start to wear so a trip to the cobblers it is.
Shelagh stepped in to help out in our kitchen this weekend due to chef sickness. Two takeaway’s had been arranged for having over the weekend but Shelagh worked hard in the kitchen to make up a lovely chicken curry for all our residents which they thoroughly enjoyed and much preferred over a takeaway!
Lucy recently took a service user on their 1st ever holiday, they planned the holiday and did lots of activities while away for 4 days. The resident was pushed out his comfort zone and was extremely anxious while away, but Lucy eased his anxieties and gave lots of positive encouragement and reassurance. The resident came back and said “Thank you “
Sophie’s constant positivity is unwavering. Everywhere she goes, she is positive throughout. This has particularly stood out with her support of a resident we currently have in hospital, Sophie’s positivity enable her to encourage this lady to complete personal care after days of refusal in hospital and visit Norcott for a party. Well done Sophie.
Kola, Iffy, Ife, Idris, Nathan, Angel,David and Tayo planned a Nigerian Independence Day at Gotts Park during Black history month. This was celebrated by staff and residents at local services, they did a presentation on the history, culture, language on Nigeria. Food was served from Nigeria and there was music and dance, which was great fun.
For South Asian Heritage Month (SAHM) we were looking for volunteers to organise internal events – Ash stepped forward and put so much time and effort into setting up weekly events for both staff and service users to educate about, and celebrate, SAHM. These events were widely praised by staff and SUs, with requests for more just like it! Thankyou!
Recently I have been going through a difficult time dealing with bereavement & looking after my partner who has an on-going medical condition that requires treatment. Throughout this I have been supported by Penny, she is always there to listen,provides an empathetic ear & shows genuine concern. The care and support that was provided is second to none.
Gemma recently took a service user on their 1st ever holiday, they planned the holiday and did lots of activities while away for 4 days. The resident was pushed out his comfort zone and was extremely anxious while away, but Gemma eased his anxieties and gave lots of positive encouragement and reassurance. The resident came back and said “Thank you “
Kirsty is passionate about hunting down education information for each young person, and using her detective skills to track and trace EHCP documents, so ensuring that teaching staff have access to all relevant learning needs information as early as possible in the young persons admission, and can be appropriately supported in class.
Reece has gone above and beyond supporting a resident who was required to stay in hospital for a few days, as he came in on his days off to support the resident during the hospital stay, making sure his routine and needs were met as much as possible to make the stay as easy as possible for him, providing him with empathy and reassurance throughout.
Sam completed a presentation for a peer review for deaf services in Bury. Sam is well respected on the ward by both staff & patients, he strives above and beyond as a nurse for everyone he works with. Sam is keen to increase his knowledge & deaf awareness for all. His passion and dedication is amazing, thanks from the Management Team on the Dunes.
Lloyd has recently taken a resident from Cherry Tree abroad to Spain for a week. The build up from last year to the holiday has been incredible including late night and early morning trips to the airport. LLoyd has ensured that all was in place to make the residents first ever trip abroad and on a plane a success!