Joanne stayed on shift to support the team due to a fairly new service users appearing anxious. Joanne was injured in serious incident but her positive and caring nature ensured the rest of the staff felt reassured and comforted.
Dr Brewster has a clinical role & also a managerial role. The service was struggling when we took it over. Under her leadership an astonishing improvement was achieved. All staff rely on her excellent leadership & trust her judgement implicitly.
Kirsty is an Activity Coordinator who has excellent communication skills that are highlighted in her everyday tasks. In terms of communication skills she is an advocate for fundraising and makes exceptional links with outside agencies to support.
Karen coordinates all of the activities for patients at Wallace. She has a warm and friendly approach to patients that puts them at ease. She is always willing to lend an ear when they are upset or worried making them feel special and comforted.
Rachel had been Acting Head of Social Work for 6 months supporting two Student Social Workers, and supporting 3 Newly Qualified Social Workers. She has been everybody’s rock, coming in early and staying late, and dealing with many questions!
For always finding time to give endless, and genuinely useful, advice and guidance about working in the mental healthcare industry.
Clare has supported me whilst I have been struggling in my personal life with health problems and family being ill. Also more recently I had a problem at work and on her day off at 4:30 AM she contacted me to make sure I was okay. Could not ask for a better Team Leader.
Every time I am on shift, Helen is working hard on the ward to improve patients mental and physical wellbeing. She shows empathy and effective communication skills with staff and patients, especially during difficult times for patients.
Salim has done an excellent job over the 12 months in recruiting high quality doctors to his region despite the pandemic with good feedback. He has also lead on the new CESR programme for SAS doctors in Cygnet with excellent feedback and results.
I needed a van driver at short notice, she offered to help before a night shift and came in early just to help. Also offered to help me on the Friday following a night shift. Always flexible and willing to help support the team.
Whether it is staff or service users, Katie knows exactly what is needed of her at all times. She’s the person to go to on a stressful shift, you know she’ll cheer you up. And it’s clear that patients find her comforting, warm and a pleasure to be with.
My Father Passed away at the beginning of March and I have since had issues with the health of my mum.
Niall has gone above and beyond in his role of Manager to ensure I have support and someone to talk to.
He has been amazing,