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Cookie Policy

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How we use cookies

Cookies are harmless text files which may be stored on your computer whilst using the site. We use cookies to improve your browsing experience and enable certain features or functionality.

We also measure statistics about visitors to the site and their usage e.g. where they came from, what pages they visit and what browser they are using. Knowing how our site is being used means we can improve our user’s experience in the future. We do not use cookies for advertising purposes or pass user data to any other organisation.

All cookies used on this site can be managed here. If you do not wish these cookies to be tracked you can disable them in your browser, but this may negatively effect your experience on the site.

First party cookies

These are cookies that may be controlled and set by us on this domain, used to provide site functionality and optimisation.

Name Purpose
wordpress_test_cookie Set and used by WordPress to test for cookie capability
comment_author, comment_author_email Set and used by WordPress to remember a commenting user’s data
wp-settings, wp-settings-time Set and used by WordPress to remember a logged-in user’s preferences

Third party cookies

These are cookies that may be controlled and set by external services / tools, used to enhance our site and provide usage information.

Name Purpose
__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmv, __utmz Set and used by Google Analytics to track user activity
NREUM, NRAGENT, JSESSIONID Set and used by New Relic to track user activity
khcookie, NID, SNID and PREF Set and used by Google Maps to provide interactive location maps
APISID, HSID, NID, PREF, SSID, SID, SAPISID Set and used by Google Site Search to provide search functionality
SERVERID, UID, UIDR, __qca Set and used by Slideshare to provide embedded slideshows
Speculative candidates or CVs sent to Cygnet by recruitment agencies/headhunters will be treated as a “free of charge” gesture. For further clarification, email
Life changing careers.
Disability Confident employer
Age Friendly employer
Armed forces Covenant.
Tent UK
Generation UK
Triangle of Care
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